
AlgoNet is a visual algorithmic image processing software. It consists of modules and connections between them. Modules typically perform simple tasks, such as cropping of an image, or multiplying two numbers. Algorithms built from these modules can however perform complex computations, such as video simulations of sky polarization when the sun and the moon lit the sky simultaneously. Its main topic is image processing, but it can do much more. It can also be used as an evaluation software for the Manual Polarimeter. For evaluation the software can be downloaded for free, but it will work with limited functionality until a proper license is added.

Main Features

  • Double precision floating point internal representation of images
  • RAW image file format support (CR2, NEF, PEF, etc.)
  • Document (pdf, odf, printing) creation
  • Batch processing of multiple images
  • HDR image composition
  • Simple drawing
  • Frame-by-frame video processing
  • Text file processing
  • Spectral and color space calculations
  • Polarimetry
  • Feature detection algorithms
  • Celestial calculations

System Requirements

  • Windows 7, 8, 10 or Linux (Ubuntu 16.04 64bit). There is also an experimental version for OS X available.
  • AlgoNet’s main topic is image processing, and as such it requires a 64bit operating system with much RAM


The software can be downloaded for free, with a limited functionality, but with the full help documentation within. The pdf version of the manual can be downloaded from here.

Extending AlgoNet

It is possible to extend the functionality of AlgoNet with the SDK that is installed along with the software.


Quotation for licenses can be requested via email directly from the software.


  • Windows – The AlgoNet installer for Windows 64 bit can be downloaded from here.
  • Linux – The Linux installer for 64 bit systems can be downloaded from here.
  • OS X – There is also an experimental version for OS X 64 bit systems, that can be downloaded from here.

Android App

The Linux version of AlgoNet can be connected to an Android phone to read its sensor values. For this the AlgoNet Sensor Android app has to be installed on the phone.

Using AlgoNet for Polarimetry
